Efficacy Data
The overarching goal of the conference is to empower 150 attendees with information on the most effective ways to govern their emotions and mental health challenges. Professional , licensed and certified speakers will be teaching on THE best evidenced based practices to include:
EFT Tapping
A form of mental health therapy that heals the brain of minimal to catastrophic trauma. We live in a wounded world, especially coming out of the pandemic, with so many individuals left scarred by the loss of loved ones, jobs and so much more. EMDR is considered one of the best forms of treatment for trauma and other ailments not limited to grief and anxiety. EMDR is an evidence-based scientific backed intervention according to the World Health Organization, American Psychiatric Association Practice Guidelines and the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies just to name a few.
A groundbreaking study revealed the effectiveness of tapping as a way to address symptomology associated with anxiety. Five thousand patients seeking treatment over 11 clinics across the country for 5 years experienced a 90% success rate with tapping alone vs. the 63% success rate with traditional approaches to addressing anxiety. An EFT certified therapist will be presenting at the conference to teach attendees THE HOW to effective tapping.
The conference host received a referral in 2016 of an 11-year old young girl who had “all of a sudden” lost feeling from her waist down. The referral was made after multiple clinics and doctors declared that there wasn’t anything else they could do. By the third session with a contracted hypnotherapist, the young girl was able to tell her legs what she needed them to do for her. Seconds later, she was up and running through the hallways. Client testimonials reveal the power of hypnosis as an accelerated form of treatment and recovery. Attendees will hear more from a seasoned professional trained in alternative hypnosis. Since the 1700s, hypnosis has been used for mental health healing, pain management, behavioral changes and more. Since the 1990s, it has been used as an alternative to anesthesia. Hypnosis is now recognized as a therapy effective for pain, anxiety, mood disorders and behavior modification by the American Psychological Association.

“My daughter was a cutter and saw Schellie for counseling for a little less than 6 months. By her second month in counseling, she was no longer cutting.”
MM mother of a wounded teen.
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According to Complementary Therapies in Medicine, YOGA is an efficacious way to manage stress, lower anxiety, increase self worth and promote internal balance. Conference attendees will be led in a YOGA session, by a certified instructor and Licensed Clinician, to decompress at the end of the conference.
According to Harvard Health Publishing of Harvard Medical School, 19,000 meditation studies revealed that meditation is effective with relieving psychological distress. Attendees will be provided the opportunity to decompress through Light Alchemy Meditation led by a trained facilitator.
The American Art Therapy Association defines Art Therapy as a therapeutic intervention that can help cultivate emotional resilience while resolving psychological distress. To ensure attendees have the opportunity to achieve balance after the conference, an Art Decompression Room will be provided and led by a Master’s Level Therapist.
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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Intercepting thoughts and perceptions that influence behavior, CBT is an evidence-based, science backed form of talk therapy effective for the treatment of depression, anxiety, eating disorders, trauma, obsessive compulsive disorders and more. It is one of the most used modalities in therapy today. Regulated by the Beck Institute, CBT is one of the most researched and efficacious treatments for anxiety disorders according to the American Psychiatric Association and the Journal of Lifelong Learning in Psychiatry.
Not only is dance a fun type of exercise, it has significant benefits to mental health. Dance causes the body to release hormones such as dopamine, serotonin, adrenaline and endorphins that cause humans to experience positive feelings and high moods. Dance also decreases stress hormones in the body which leads to a decrease in stress, anxiety and depression. Dance will be used to help attendees with decompressing while having fun!